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NextGen InStudio Art Trail Exhibition

If you have any questions while completing this form, call the Gallery on 4696 5600 or email

Privacy Collection Notice

This personal information in this form is collected by Toowoomba Regional Council for the purpose of assessing the request in this form and performing related functions. Council's privacy policy is available on the  Council website.

Applicant details

Artist blogs or social media accounts (if applicable)

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NextGen InStudio Art Trail Exhibition

Your artwork

You can submit up to three (3) individual artworks (maximum size 120 cm high x 120 cm wide) which will be considered for selection. 

Please submit up to three high resolution images for each artwork (no larger than 2MB at 300dpi).

Make sure your file name is in the following format:  ArtistName_Title_Year_Medium_Dimensions_Price.

Files should be named in the format 'ArtistName_Title_Year_Medium_Dimensions_Price.jpg'.
Height x width x depth
This is the total selling price including the Gallery’s commission of 25% +GST
Files should be named in the format 'ArtistName_Title_Year_Medium_Dimensions_Price.jpg'.
Height x width x depth
This is the total selling price including the Gallery’s commission of 25% +GST
Files should be named in the format 'ArtistName_Title_Year_Medium_Dimensions_Price.jpg'.
Height x width x depth
This is the total selling price including the Gallery’s commission of 25% +GST

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NextGen InStudio Art Trail Exhibition

Display requirements or items

Please refer to our Artwork Installation Instructions for exhibitors for details about the gallery’s hanging system and requirements. If you have any questions, please contact the Gallery team on 07 4696 5600 or email

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NextGen InStudio Art Trail Exhibition

Terms & conditions


1.1       No entry or hire fee for Artists selected to contribute to the exhibition

1.2       If work is for sale, a Gallery sales commission of 25% (+ GST on that commission) will be charged on all art works sold on consignment on behalf of the artist during the project. 

1.3       Terms and Conditions pertaining to the sales of artworks exhibited are provided to successful Artists.


2.1       Email submission of up to 3 artworks for consideration – due Sunday 2 June 2024. The exhibition will be preselected from Artist submissions

2.2       Artworks can be any medium – framed / unframed / 2D / 3D. Size restriction including frame 120cm x 120cm

2.3       Artists must include 1-3 high res Jpeg images (2MB, 300dpi) for each artwork entered. The images must be labelled – ArtistName_Title_Year_Medium_Dimensions_Price.jpg

2.4       Image details should be formatted: Artist / Title Year / Medium / Dimensions in CM (Height x Width x Depth)

2.5       Email submissions to

2.6       Entry form must be completed in full for the submission to be assessed.

2.7       Artists will be advised of confirmation of entry by email.

2.8       All work exhibited must be original, bona-fide works, completed by the exhibiting artist, have not been copied (from other artists’ works)

2.9       The decision regarding artwork selections are final and binding, and no correspondence regarding this decision will be entered into. 


3.1       The dates and times for delivery and collection of artworks noted in Key Dates must be adhered to.

3.2       Artwork must be prepared for installation using Gallery’s approved methods. The Gallery’s hanging system requires that artwork, if to be hung, should be secured by D-hooks. These must be attached on both sides, in the top quarter of the artwork frame and at an equal measure from the top.

3.3       The Artist must ensure any electrical appliances created specifically for the artwork are tag tested by a registered electrician before use in the Gallery.

3.4       Artwork(s) from the exhibition will be accepted by the Gallery on consignment for sale by the Gallery on behalf of the Artist.  If such artwork(s) are sold, the Gallery will receive a 25% commission, plus GST on the commission, for this service. 

All relevant financial matters will be finalised upon the Gallery receiving full payment for any artwork(s) sold on behalf of the Artist and an invoice from the Artist. 

3.5       Sold artwork(s) will remain in the exhibition until it ends and the purchaser may collect from the gallery at the conclusion of the exhibition

3.6       The Artist grants limited non-exclusive copyright to the gallery for the explicit purpose of reproducing works from this exhibition for hardcopy, online and social media publicity and advertising relating to the exhibition.

3.7       The Gallery reserves the right to take ‘over-view’ documentation of the exhibition for archive and educational purposes and keep these records on file as in accordance with the Public Records Act 2002.

3.8       Toowoomba Region Galleries allow casual photography for the purpose of an individuals’ visitor experience. Flash photography and tripod or monopod (selfie-stick) are not permitted.


4.1       No artworks are to be removed from the exhibition before the final display date.

4.2       Artworks will not be covered by Council’s insurance while in the Gallery or in transit to and from the Gallery.

4.2.1    Artworks in the Gallery and in transit to and from the Gallery, are and continue to be at the artist’s own risk.

4.3       While Gallery security is monitored, Gallery team members, volunteers and Council accept no liability for any damage to, loss or theft of any art works or Participant’s property except to the extent that the cause of the damage, loss or theft was due to the negligence of the Gallery.

4.4       The Artist agrees to comply with all directions and requirements given by Gallery team members (acting reasonably) in relation to the artist’s submission.

4.5       Council reserves the right to cancel the exhibition at any time

4.6       The Artist agrees that notwithstanding any provision in the agreement to the contrary, the Gallery may at any time, close the exhibition or remove exhibition items for reasons that in acting reasonable, and in its sole discretion, deems exceptional circumstances, including but not limited to, the exhibition or items in the exhibition being considered dangerous or offensive, or when the final presentation differs from original agreed proposal. 

4.7       The Artist acknowledges and agrees that Council and Gallery team members will not be liable for any costs or damages arising from any action taken by Council or its Gallery team under clause 4.6.

4.8       Unless prior alternative arrangements for the collection of artwork have been made, the Gallery reserves the right to dispose of any unsold art works not collected within five (5) business days of the closing of the exhibition. Disposal will be in accordance with Toowoomba Regional Council Local Law No. 1 (Administration) 2020.

4.9       The Artist will sign the ‘Agreement’ form which will constitute unreserved acceptance by the Artist of all the terms and conditions herein. (Agreement forms are supplied to artists at the time of advising successful submission.)

4.10     The Artist acknowledges and agrees that by signing the Agreement form they have read, understood and accepted the terms and conditions set out in the Project Agreement form.

4.11     Collection Notice : By making an application, you acknowledge that Toowoomba Regional Council is collecting your personal information for the purposes of processing your application and for remaining in contact with you. Your personal information will be accessed by persons authorised to do so and will be handled in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld). For more information on our Privacy Policy, please see Privacy (

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NextGen InStudio Art Trail Exhibition


I understand and acknowledge that:

  • The information provided in this application is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.

  • I approve of the information that has been provided in this application.

  • Council may refuse this application if it becomes evident that any information or supporting documents provided are incomplete or false.

  • I understand that all information supplied on or with this application form may be disclosed publicly in accordance with the Right to Information Act 2009 and the Evidence Act 1977.

  • Council is committed to protecting the privacy, accuracy and security of your personal information in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009.

  • I acknowledge Queensland State Laws will accept this communication as containing my signature within the meaning of the  Electronic Transactions (Queensland) Act 2001.


Form process

After submitting this form a Council officer will contact you (using the details provided in this form) to progress your request, advise if your application has been successful and discuss further arrangements with you.

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